We are excited you’re considering SWAPLA!
Membership is open to pre-law advisors from 2- and 4- year institutions as well as law school representatives from any ABA-approved law school. Although the SWAPLA region encompasses Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas, pre-law advisors and law school representatives from any state are welcome to join SWAPLA.
Membership Levels
Memberships are handled on an annual subscription.
Pre-Law Advisor
Members Only Resource Library
Join virtual professional development webinars hosted by SWAPLA
Participate in monthly SWAPLA Swaps
Virtual opportunities to talk about current trends and issues in pre-law advising -
Undergraduate Pre-Law Advisors
Opportunities for subsidies for in-person events -
Undergraduate Pre-Law Advisors
Opportunities for innovation grants
Law School Representative
Members Only Resource Library
Join virtual professional development webinars hosted by SWAPLA
Participate in monthly SWAPLA Swaps
Virtual opportunities to talk about current trends and issues in pre-law advising -
Participate in SWAPLA Swing Law School Fairs
Interact with Pre-Law Advisors in the SWAPLA Region