SWAPLA Swap Join us monthly for our SWAPLA Swap, where you can connect with other advisors, explore new trends, swap ideas and collaborate on the latest issues in pre-law advising.
Law School Data 22 Matches Found Explore the 19 Law Schools located in the SWAPLA region (Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas). One-click to access ABA Standard 509 Reports, ABA-Approved Law Schools, and LSAC’s Official Guide to ABA-Approved Law Schools.
Conferences 2 Matches Found Don’t miss out on networking and collaboration opportunities! Join us to stay up-to-date on hot topics, get updates from law schools, and learn what’s working well for other pre-law programs.
Innovation Grants 6 Matches Found Open to SWAPLA members working for institutions in the SWAPLA region (Arkansas, Louisianna, Oklahoma or Texas), Innovations Grants seek to encourage excellence and innovation in pre-law advising.
SWAPLA Swing SWAPLA Swing 2024 Law School Fairs are scheduled for Week 1: October 28 – November 1, 2024 and Week 2: November 4 – November 8, 2024. See our website to register today!
Webinars 20 Matches Found Stay ahead in the ever-evolving field of pre-law advising. Explore a range of topics to support student success. Join us as we explore the latest changes and updates to insider tips and strategies.
Pre-Law Resources 21 Matches Found Navigating the world of pre-law advising can be overwhelming for both students and advisors. With so many resources and databases available, it can be difficult to determine where to start and which ones are most relevant to your student’s particular needs. Explore some of our favorite resources.
Subsidies Number of Matches Good news! SWAPLA pre-law advisors may be eligible for subsidies to assist you in attending conferences or to provide opportunities for your students. Explore the various subsidies that you can tap into to support your role as a pre-law advisor.